Want to take your pet on holiday? Top tips to consider…

In Britain, we love our pets and often consider them part of the family. In fact, 27 per cent of UK dog owners plan to take their pets with them on holiday in 2018, on average spending £114 per pet. That might sound like a small outgoing, but across the UK it adds up to a total of £227,538,186 to be spent on canine holidays in just this year.

With that in mind, if you count yourself in the dog loving community, you might want to take note of these top tips for taking your pet on holiday.

1. Think of your pet

First and foremost, think of their needs. You’ll need to consider what’s right for them when making decisions about your destination and accommodation. Always call in advance to confirm pet policies and make sure that you fit their restrictions in terms of size, number and breed of animals allowed.

2. Get your packing done early

71 per cent of people forget something essential when going on holiday, according to research from American Express. Be in the 29% and get organised as early as possible to make sure everything is packed and ready to go, including passports for both you and your dog!

3. Have a Plan B

The little things like traffic on the way to an airport, or even a delayed flight, while frustrating for us can be much more serious for your animals. Make sure you have extra food and water and pack a second lead in a different bag in case your luggage goes missing.

4. See your vet

It’s never a bad idea to give your pet a quick health check-up, and even more so if they’re coming on holiday with you. Their health and well-being should be your main concern, so remember to keep them comfortable and prepare them for new climates with equipment, such as jackets or mosquito repellant.

5. Make the most of it

The fact of the matter is bringing your pet along is going to cost you money. It’s possible, though, to earn reward points or cashback from some of the major credit card holders for some of those extra purchases. In this way, you’re stocking up on benefits for the next time you go on holiday.

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